Steptoe Branding & Assets
At Steptoe, a large part of my responsibility included answering requests for extra branding content for both lawyer initiatives and supporting materials for marketing colleagues. The assets I created encompassed a huge range including additional logos, spot illustrations, iconography, and more.
Check out below for a small sample of what I created!
The above illustrates my process for designing Steptoe's new logo for their award-winning pro bono program. I presented my initial sketches (right) to the Pro Bono Counsel and delivered the final product (left). The logo is used on external marketing materials related to Steptoe's pro bono work.
Here are some more branding pieces for Steptoe's various internal and external initiatives.
Below are marks created for Steptoe's Supply Chain University (left) and four samples of marks created for Steptoe's A Step Above program (four, right).